The Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska
Paragraph 279
"God made known to me what true love consists in and gave light to me about how, in practice, to give proof of it to Him.
"True love of God consists in carrying out God's will. To show God our love in what we do, all our actions, even the least, must spring from our love of God.
"And the Lord said to me:
""My child, you please me most by suffering. In your physical as well as your mental sufferings, My daugher, do not seek sympathy from creatures.
""I want the fragrance of your suffering to be pure and unadulterated. I wan tyou to detach yourself, not only from creatures, but also from yourself.
""My daughter, I want to delight in the love of your heart, a pure love, virginal, unblemished, untarnished. The more you will come to love suffering, My daughter, the purer your love for Me will be.""