MONDAY, MAY 29, 2023 


From the book "Waiting for God" by Simone Weil:

"Today it is not nearly enough merely to be a saint, but we must have the saintliness demanded by the prsent moment, a new saintliness, itself also without precedent.

"A new type of sancitity is indeed a fresh spring, an invention.  If all is kep in propoertion and if the order of each thing is preserved, it is almost equivalent to a new revelation of the universe and of human destiny.  It is the exposure of a large portion of truth and beauty hitherto concealed under a thick layer of dust.  More genius is needed than was needed by Archimedes to invent mechanics and physics.  A new saint-liness is a still more marvelous invention.  

"Only a kind of perversity can oblige God's friends to deprive themselves of having genius, since to receive it in superabundance they only need to ask their Father for it in Christ's name.  

"Such a petition of legitimate, today at any rate, because it is necessary.  I think that under this or any equivalent form it is the first thing we have to ask for now; we have to ask for it daily, hourly, as a famished child constantly asks for bread.  The world needs saints who have genius, just as a plague-stricken town needs doctors.  Where there is a need there is also an obligation."

pg 51, Weil, Simone. Waiting for God. HarperPerennial, 2009