Raymond Cardinal Burke, canon lawyer & former head of the Apostolic Signatura (the Vatican's high court) reacts to the Catholic bishops of Germany voting in favor of blessing same sex union, Pope Francis' comments about revising the discipline of priestly celibacy, and their thoughts on the pontificate of Pope Francis as we commemorate the 10th anniversary of his election. Gerhard Cardinal Müller, former head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith reacts to the Catholic bishops of Germany voting in favor of blessing same sex union, Pope Francis' comments about revising the discipline of priestly celibacy, and their thoughts on the pontificate of Pope Francis as we commemorate the 10th anniversary of his election.Is this the beginning of the first major split in the Catholic Church since the Reformation? It just might be. Keep in mind that the LGBT agenda is a false religion that has no place in any house of God, or any religious institution, no matter what it might be. But it seems that the Catholic bishops in Germany are going to follow their Protestant brethren in blessing that which cannot be blessed.
Keep your eyes on this movement, as the LGBT ideology is splitting churches asunder all across the earth.