GAFCON and the new Reformation! Archbishop of Canterbury removed as head of Global Anglican church!

SUNDAY, APRIL 23, 2023 


Well, they did it.  GAFCON is the splinter group that broke from the worldwide Anglican Communion, also know as the Church of England ( C of E ).   They recently held their international conference in Kigali, Rwanda.   

Right from the start, they called the Archbishop of Canterbury to REPENT for his "blessing" of same-sex unions, which is blatantly un-Christian, illogical, and idiotic.   The LGBT virus has infected every institution in the world, including the Anglican Church.   For those who are not under the sway of the Gay Mafia, the capitulation of Christian leaders to the gay agenda is mind numbing.   Might as well give the green light to pedophiles and beastiality while you're at it.  

Basically, GAFCON has now officially broken-off from the Church of England, and is providing a refuge for all Anglicans who are sick and tired of the LGBT agenda being shoved down their throats at every turn.    This is a major event that the entire news media is completely ignoring, and for good reason: the global news media complex are all cheering on the LGBT movement, with a few notable exceptions.   They will never air anything the least bit critical of gays.   Not going to happen.  

This is very good news for all Christians who are tired of their churches and leadership being co-opted by LGBT.  Thanks mainly to the African contingent in GAFCON, there will never be any LGBT infiltration into this new denomination, as they all know what tremendous evil and heresy is involved with that movement.  It's a sad day when Africans are far more civilized and rational than the European Christians who evangelized them.  But so it is.  

May God greatly bless GAFCON and all the Anglicans who are gathering under this new movement.   

How We Became Gafcon – Dr. Peter Jensen


The LGBT false religion is infecting everything on this planet: politics, corporations, universities, entertainment, media, high-tech, and, most recently, the Christian church.   

Denominations all across the planet are being split in two thanks to LGBT.   The Church of England, also known as the Anglicans, has decided to fully accept the LGBT religion in place of Christianity.   However, the worldwide Anglican communion is not exactly in agreement with this, and so they have started their own denomination: the Global Anglican Future Conference, or GAFCON.

This is a short video about how it all started.

Calvin Robinson: 'The Church of England is a lost cause, so joining GAFCON'


Calvin Robinson was a deacon in the Anglican church, but since the Church of England has lost interest in being Christian, Calvin Robinson is looking for a new home.  

What a shame.  Calvin is one of the brightest young minds in Christianity right now.   But even he realizes that the church is corrupt beyond redemption.   

So Calvin is going to GAFCON, which stands for Global Anglican Future Conference.  These are a collection of Anglicans who feel the same was as Calvin, and are looking for a more orthodox faith.