“Because they don’t believe in God.”


Just saw this following excerpt in a newsletter I subscribe to.  

The author talks about a simple conversation he had with a Catholic priest after the Catholic abuse crisis began to surface:  

"In my case, the anguish I felt over the abuse scandal, and the way the institutional Catholic Church reacted to it, was more than I could handle. I guess a lot of this has to do with the kind of man I am, and my own history. Whatever. The point I want to make in this particular discussion is that when Catholics see their priests, and even their Pope, behaving in certain ways, especially with the liturgy, it signals to some of them that these men don’t really believe in Catholicism. As a matter of fact, I remember in the first year of the scandal, asking a Catholic priest friend of mine how on earth the bishops could have done what they did, with all the cover-ups and the punishing of victims and families. I’ll never forget where we were walking on the street in New York when he answered: “Because they don’t believe in God.” "

I've seen scandals and abuses by church leaders, government leaders, people in private industry, and just about everywhere else during my life.  Yet it especially hurts when you see it in the church, regardless of which denomination.  Church officials preying on children, or involved in illicit affairs of all kinds.  This is not just a problem amongst Catholics, but amongst the entire Christian world: Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant.   

So why does this evil stuff keep happening in the church?  Because many of our "Christian" leaders really don't believe in the stuff they are selling to us.  Even as a child, I was very much aware of this hypocrisy, and wondered seriously if the whole "God" thing was just a another clever ruse like the "Santa Claus" narrative: just a story we were told to keep us in line, to keep us docile, to keep us from chopping off the heads of the idiots who were running the country.  

Well, as an adult, it's obvious to me that there are, in fact, many in leadership in Christianity as a whole, who really don't believe in God.  But they get a paycheck from their denomination for pretending there is, so they keep at it, because it's a living, after all. 

There are also some really good priests, pastors and leaders in the various denominations who know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that there are leaders, if not a whole bunch of leaders, in their denominations who are, in fact, corrupt.  But they can't say an honest word about it, because if they do, they will be cast out like yesterday's garbage, without a dollar to show for it.  So they keep quiet, as their livelihood depends upon it.  

Hence, since the mid 1960's to this very day, we have seen one of the greatest decline in Christianity in world history, in Western Civilization.  Church historians have compared this current epoch to the famous Arian heresy of 300 AD.   But, at least with the Arian heresy, everyone stayed in church, unless they were excommunicated!   But today's crisis in Christianity is much worse, because the church in the West is losing people quickly, not because of a single heresy, but due to a lack of faith in God that is evident everywhere in the developed world.  If there is a heresy that is at the core of this crisis, it would be modernism, which made atheism intellectually respectable for the first time in history.   

So, here we are, in the 21st century, and never in the history of Western Civilization has Christianity looked so horrid and ragged as it does right now, and things seem to be just getting worst. 

Is there any hope that things will get better?  Not really.   Our only hope, is the return of Jesus to earth, and using his Second Coming as a means of cleansing the church.  Anything short of that, and we are doomed. 



THURSDAY, MAY 25, 2023 


Strange but true: in all of protestant Christianity, there is one man who is widely loved, and amazingly, he's out of the Anglican Church of England!   He's so well spoken even Catholics love him.   

The man is Calvin Robinson, who has an iron-core traditionalist view of Christianity that is a breath of fresh air in this post-modernist hell hole of a world that we are living in.  

This is a long two-hour interview, try to watch as much as you can.  


SUNDAY, MAY 21, 2023 


The artist Akiane Kramarik, as a CHILD artist, made a portrait painting of Jesus that many consider to be the most accurate portrayal of Christ ever done.   

Various kinds of prints are available of this painting from her website.   If I had the money, I would buy hundreds of these, and plaster them all over my house, and give them away as gifts.   

She is an amazing artist, taught directly by God and the angels....no joke.  

Her website:  Akiane Gallery

This Biblical Prophecy is Terrifying by Charles Lawson

TUESDAY, MAY 9, 2023 


It's been a long while since I've heard a good, solid "fire and brimstone" sermon, and this one is a work of art.   This is old school Baptist teaching at it's finest.   His understanding of facts and information is amazing.   

This sermon is not a "prophecy" in the sense of prediction, this is prophecy in form of God's judgment.   

Watch until the end as the speaker, Charles Lawson, talks about how an unclean spirit returns, especially in the United States of America and how God gave them over to reprobate minds within these last days, according to this Biblical passage.

Matthew 12: 43 - 45 | When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places, seeking rest, and finds none. Then he says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when he comes, he finds it empty, swept, and put in order. Then he takes seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter and dwell there, and the last state of that man is worse than the first. So shall it also be with this wicked generation.” 

I am the Way, the Truth and the Life...

TUESDAY, MAY 9, 2023 


The priests from this tiny little chapel in Auburn, Kentucky have some of the best homilies I've ever heard anywhere.   In this video, Father Tony talks about one of the greatest Christians of the 20th century, Corrie Ten Boom!   

There seems to be something about the Chaplet of Divine Mercy that brings out the best priests and religious. 

This Homily was given by Father Tony Stephens C.P.M of the Fathers of Mercy at the Chapel of Divine Mercy in Auburn, KY. on May 7, 2023 at the 10:00AM Mass. Jesus shows us the way to the Father, He teaches us the truth through revelations made in Scripture and in nature, and He gives us a share in His Divine Life in the Sacraments.

Exorcisms: what Catholics need to know w/ Fr. Chad Ripperger | Chris Stefanick Show

SATURDAY, MAY 6, 2023 


One of the most fascinating aspects of Christianity is spiritual warfare.   And no one has been doing spiritual warfare longer than the Catholic Church, and no one knows the ministry better than Fr. Chad Ripperger.  

Chris Stefanick has has FIVE PART series where he talks all about exorcisms with Fr. Ripperger.   This is an INCREDIBLE interview, and really shows you the theology involved in deliverance.   

Of course Fr. Ripperger is a hard-core, traditionalist Catholic, and for good reason: they have an excellent track record when it comes to dealing with demonic possession, and the "old ways" seem to work the best.   

This is MUST SEE TV regardless of background or interests.   Here are all five episodes in order:

Why I left the LGBT life to follow Jesus | The Drip

Saturday, April 29, 2023 


[ NOTE: For some odd reason, this video was published twice to my blog due to "technical difficulties".   I should probably delete one or the other, but I decided to leave them both up.  It is a really good testimony, and very eye opening. ]

Can someone who identifies as gay leave that lifestyle?  Actually, it happens all the time, but we rarely hear about it, due to the Gay Mafia.   

Homosexuality is a spiritual curse, not biological or psychological in origin, even though it's often talked about in those terms.   As it is with all things, even Christians who know better can be overcome with this issue, for various reasons.  

In this video, Jonathan Duncan, who grew up in a strong Christian family, talks about his experiences dealing with homosexuality as a Christian.  Eventually, he was able to leave the LGBT life behind, but it was a struggle.  

So yes, you can leave that lifestyle, but it's extremely difficult.   God's help is very much necessary to overcome it. 

Obviously, homosexuality is just one of a spectrum of personality disorders that effect people of all kinds, but for some odd reason, many homosexuals would rather just take the easy road of staying within the lifestyle, rather than doing the work required to leave.   

My hat is off to Jonathan, who eventually decided to deal with his demons head-on, rather than just accepting the status quo.

These Two Died & Reveal Heaven's Secrets

MONDAY, APRIL 24, 2023 


Is God and Jesus for real?  Well, ask people who've died.  Yes, there are a lot of people who've died, and who have seen things, including God and Jesus.   Angles and dead relatives are also common sites amongst those who have died.  

Both these woman actually did die, and thanks to the miracle of modern medical science, came back from the dead.  

In this video, Karina and Erica share what they saw and experienced while dead, and, in some cases, still alive!  

Erica was a neo-natal nurse when she died, and now she is a hospice nurse.