These Two Died & Reveal Heaven's Secrets (note: this is an impromptu interview)

SUNDAY, MAY 7, 2023 


This is a fascinating interview!  Both these women died and had some amazing experiences.  

Erica, a nurse, died and went to Heaven. She joins Karina, who died and also went to Heaven. These two afterlife survivors talk about their amazing experiences in Heaven. This interview was filmed during a busy documentary filming, (hence some noise in the background). But, we thought the sharing of these life changing testimonials was important to view while these two exceptional women were in the same space. You will hear at the beginning, Renee Kay, as she introduces our guests. Amazing! ***. We believe that one must accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior to get into Heaven for an Eternity. These Near Death Experiences obviously did not stay in heaven. A faith and belief in Jesus in the only way.