Monday, April 3, 2023
Back in the early days of N-scale model railroading, the Atlas Model Railroad Company came out with a book of track plans for their new line of N-scale track and trains. One of those track plans was called "The Unhinged and Horizontal", so-called because the base board for this track plan was a hollow-core door! A typical 4 x 8 sheet of plywood from the lumber yard was often chose to setup one's very first model railroad in HO scale. But for the smaller N scale trains, the preferred base board for starting a small layout was a hollow-core door, usually measuring 30" x 80".
I did an internet search for this track plan, and found an improved version created by a guy named Mike. He has an entire page on his website dedicated to N-scale track plans of all shapes and sizes. And yes, this layout, much like the original, is designed to fit on a hollow-core door.
If I were to buy all the Atlas track I would need to create this layout, along with additional electrical components to wire it for operation, it would easily set me back $800 USD. Even small model railroads can be incredibly expensive. And that price does not include any trains, buildings, scenery or even the door from the lumber yard.
I just happen to have a hollow core door in my possession that I'm just using as a utility table, setup on a couple of saw horses. I also happen to have a small collection of N scale trains! So I was thinking about building this layout, to give my trains a place to run.
Here's a link to Mike's N-scale layout designs: Cke1st's Trackplans Page