SUNDAY, JUNE 4, 2023
An excerpt from "The Race-baiters’ Checkmate and the Critical Collapse of Education":
We are, in the West, fast approaching the precipice of a civilizational collapse. Exactly how far out we are from this precipice is a matter to debate. But, our speed and direction of travel are very clear.
I say this apocalyptically. But not, I think, hyperbolically. For, there has been incubating, growing, and spreading in the West for several decades a mental cancer bent on breaking down and destroying the basic logic of civilization — bent on destroying truth and reason, individualism and freedom.
This cancer was spawned in continental Europe, spread to the Americas, and long festered in our universities. It has slowly grown into other organs of our society — the courts, the tech sector, even healthcare. Periodic rounds of chemo have thus far kept our civilization alive and relatively healthy as we’ve dodged systemic metastasization. In recent years however, this cancer has spread into America’s schools. As it works to overtake the national education system, this mental cancer increasingly jeopardizes the ability of our society to produce antibodies to fight back in other institutions. Without urgent action to exorcise this cancer from America’s schools, we will soon face the certain death of the host, and a coming apart of Western civilization.
This mental cancer is called “leftism.” While the left/right dichotomy means different things to different people, here I’m referring to those individuals and groups espousing cultural Marxist ideologies and using postmodernist theory as a rhetorical and political weapon to help drive their cultural Marxist agenda.
Read the rest here: The Race-baiters’ Checkmate and the Critical Collapse of Education