Father Dan Reehil - Exorcist Priest on Spiritual Warfare and Preparing for The Triumph

2024-03-30 Saturday


Father Dan Reehil sits down with Mark McLean and they have a very honest, and straight forward conversation about spiritual warfare and the end-times.   

As Fr. Reehil correctly points out, the end-times does not mean the end of the world itself, but it certainly means the end of the world as we know it, and that's a good thing.  

As for the church and Christians, the coming end-times will mean intense persecution of Christians, even unto death.  The Catholic church does not believe in a "pre-tribulation rapture", rather they teach that the events in the book of Daniel and Revelation will be used to purify the church as is.   More importantly, they firmly believe that after the events of the antichrist, and his defeat, the world will be a far, far better place than it is now.   

This is a conversation that is well worth listening to.   

- Pseudo Boethius 

The fraudulent COVID vaccines




On Mark Steyn's web site (and no where else) is Mark Steyn's interview with Naomi Wolf.   She has been on the case against the COVID vaccines from the get-go, and assembled a team of medical experts to examine Pfizer's own data.   What she found is shocking:  all sorts of odd side-effects, and also the knowledge that they knew the vax was not just ineffective, but made it more likely you would get COVID!  This is not conspiracy theory stuff, this has been gleaned from Pfizer's own data! 

Today's Steyn Show begins with some bad news for mask aficionados. Afterwards, Mark welcomes back one of his most popular guests, and a supposedly controversial one - the subject of his third and still ongoing investigation by the UK state censor Ofcom. In the wake of her memorable appearance at Hillsdale College, Naomi Wolf updates us on where things stand in the unfolding horror of the Pfizer documents.

Click here to see the video interview:  The Metastasizing Horror

And here is a list summarizing what Naomi has found:

11 Revelations From Pfizer's Vaccine Documents 

#1: Pfizer knew their gene-based injections had negative efficacy as early as November 2020 

#2: Shortly after the release of the COVID injections, Pfizer moved to hire 2,400 full-time employees to process the paperwork of the injured 

#3: Pfizer and the FDA withheld information that the shots cause heart damage in youth for four months while an aggressive propaganda campaign drove many thousands to get injected 

#4: Rather than staying in the injection site, Pfizer knew the shot’s dangerous lipid nanoparticles quickly distribute throughout the body to the brain, liver, and adrenals, and accumulate in the ovaries 

#5: Pfizer documents acknowledge more than 42,000 adverse events, including 1,200 deaths, in just the first three months, including strokes, hemorrhages, blood clots, lung clots, leg clots, neurological disorders, dementia, guillain-barré, bell’s palsy, myalgia, and more 

#6: Prior to it being legal, more than 1,000 children were injected, and Pfizer’s documents indicate a high rate of serious injury 
#7:Available records of study participants who conceived children show 80% lost their babies 

#8: Pfizer knew there was a danger to fertility. Lipid Nanoparticles damage the placenta during pregnancy, causing early deliveries 

#9: Pfizer docs show that lipid nanoparticles also enter breast milk, stunting, injuring, and sometimes killing babies 

#10: Pfizer docs show 3 to 1 of AEs sustained by women, 16% ‘reproductive disorders.’ ‘What kind of monsters look at 16% reproductive disorders and keep going?’ Results: ‘13% to 20% drop in live births' 

#11 Pfizer documents reveal that LNPs “degrade baby boys in utero” by traversing “the testes of fetal baby boys” and damaging “the Sertoli cells and the Leydig cells, which are basically the factories of masculinity”