Exorcisms: what Catholics need to know w/ Fr. Chad Ripperger | Chris Stefanick Show

SATURDAY, MAY 6, 2023 


One of the most fascinating aspects of Christianity is spiritual warfare.   And no one has been doing spiritual warfare longer than the Catholic Church, and no one knows the ministry better than Fr. Chad Ripperger.  

Chris Stefanick has has FIVE PART series where he talks all about exorcisms with Fr. Ripperger.   This is an INCREDIBLE interview, and really shows you the theology involved in deliverance.   

Of course Fr. Ripperger is a hard-core, traditionalist Catholic, and for good reason: they have an excellent track record when it comes to dealing with demonic possession, and the "old ways" seem to work the best.   

This is MUST SEE TV regardless of background or interests.   Here are all five episodes in order:

Voices in Virtue Lectures: Fr. Chad Ripperger — Demonology Function & Psychology



THIS IS MUST-SEE TV!!!  Father Chad Ripperger is the MOST interesting and knowledgable priest in America, by far.   Perhaps it's because he's an exorcist by profession, and has a knowledge of the spiritual realm that is second to none.   

Here is an incredible video where he explains the basics of spiritual warfare.   It's a long video, but really interesting!