Why I left the LGBT life to follow Jesus | The Drip

Saturday, April 29, 2023 


[ NOTE: For some odd reason, this video was published twice to my blog due to "technical difficulties".   I should probably delete one or the other, but I decided to leave them both up.  It is a really good testimony, and very eye opening. ]

Can someone who identifies as gay leave that lifestyle?  Actually, it happens all the time, but we rarely hear about it, due to the Gay Mafia.   

Homosexuality is a spiritual curse, not biological or psychological in origin, even though it's often talked about in those terms.   As it is with all things, even Christians who know better can be overcome with this issue, for various reasons.  

In this video, Jonathan Duncan, who grew up in a strong Christian family, talks about his experiences dealing with homosexuality as a Christian.  Eventually, he was able to leave the LGBT life behind, but it was a struggle.  

So yes, you can leave that lifestyle, but it's extremely difficult.   God's help is very much necessary to overcome it. 

Obviously, homosexuality is just one of a spectrum of personality disorders that effect people of all kinds, but for some odd reason, many homosexuals would rather just take the easy road of staying within the lifestyle, rather than doing the work required to leave.   

My hat is off to Jonathan, who eventually decided to deal with his demons head-on, rather than just accepting the status quo.