Gavin Ashenden & Rod Dreher in conversation."Culture, Crisis & the Catacombs.'Catholic Unscripted#4


This is one of the most interesting conversations I've encountered on YouTube.   Dr. Gavin Ashenden and Rod Dreher talk about the necessity of today's Christians going underground, because of the profound evil in today's society.   

The both understand that things are going to get a lot WORSE in the near future, as far as Christianity is concerned.   Both men are warning anyone who will listen that we have to take action to prepare for what's coming down.

Both these men are absolute treasures.   

This is MUST SEE TV!!!

ASHENDEN-SCRIPTED. Choose Division, not Inclusion - Telling the Truth in Advent.


Dr. Gavin Ashenden is God's gift to us in this late hour.   I highly encourage EVERYONE to subscribe to his channel and listen to everything he has to say. 

The topic of this teaching: human goodness is not sufficient for our salvation.  

Highest Recommendation.  

Wokeness is as old as the Bible itself. The remedy is even older.


The Fathers of Mercy, who seem to be located in the tiny little Kentucky town of Auburn, have some of the best homilies I've ever heard from everyone.   There have been some great Catholics who have come out of Kentucky, as strange as that may seem.  

Here, Father David Wilton teaches on the story of Sodom and Gomorrah.   

It's ALWAYS good to hear Christian leaders speaking out against the cultural marxism that is the fake religion of wokism.  

This is MUST SEE TV!!!