THURSDAY, MAY 25, 2023 


Never before in my entire life have I've heard more warnings about "end-times" than I have the past few years, especially this year, 2023.   What's really surprising is even atheists feels like we are zooming down the wrong path quickly.    

You would think that the end of COVID would allow us all to breath easily, but the truth is many of were shocked at just how evil things have become, and the end of COVID hasn't put a dent into the over-reach of government.  

In Christian end-times theology, the end-times are going to be humanity's last big rebellion against God, and all those who aligned with him.   Jesus hinted that things will get so bad, that he will need to return to earth lest the rebellion is so successful that all traces of God are wiped from the earth.   

What's truly sad is how the American government is moving FAST to bring this about, aided by various state governments.   Things are truly getting more evil, there's no doubt about it.  

So what, as Christians, can we do?  PRAY.  And pray a LOT.  

There's more we can do than pray of course, but prayer must be key.  


WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 2023 


For convenience, I have installed a digital clock with a HUGE digital display right under my main television, so I can easily tell what time it is.   It's been a really useful little tool.  

This photo was taken at 11:11 am, and I'm watching a video on YouTube called "Andrea Motis Quintet | LIVE at Moods, 2019 (Zurich)", which is an incredible jazz concert.  At this point in the video, Andrea's incredibly gifted pianist plays an amazing solo.   Wish I knew his name.   

The "Let Me Show You Something" Dream by Dana Coverstone

WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 2023 


Pastor Dana has had yet another prophetic dream.   Do keep in mind that his dreams are an interesting mix of symbolism and current-events, and should not be taken literally.   However, that does not mean they lack an interesting message, far from it!    They are kind of like parables.    

Give him a listen, you might find the message to be pertinent to where you are at today.    

The Weirdest Weapons of the Ukraine Conflict

WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 2023 


This is a surprisingly interesting video about the huge variety of small arms being used in the Ukraine conflict, including a few that date back all the way to WWII.    

At the end of the day, despite all the "wonder weapons" of modern warfare, it always comes down to the infantryman armed with a rifle every time.   And in the Ukraine, they have an amazing variety of rifles.   

Andrea Motis Quintet | LIVE at Moods, 2019 (Zurich)

SUNDAY, MAY 21, 2023 


Here is TWO HOURS of absolute musical bliss brought to you by Andrea Motis and her band of EXTREMELY talented jazz musicians. 

She is one of my most favorite living jazz artists, and once you watch this, you will understand why. 

As always, pursue The Good, The True and The Beautiful in all things.   This performance checks off all three boxes. 


SUNDAY, MAY 21, 2023 


The artist Akiane Kramarik, as a CHILD artist, made a portrait painting of Jesus that many consider to be the most accurate portrayal of Christ ever done.   

Various kinds of prints are available of this painting from her website.   If I had the money, I would buy hundreds of these, and plaster them all over my house, and give them away as gifts.   

She is an amazing artist, taught directly by God and the joke.  

Her website:  Akiane Gallery