For some odd reason, philosophers love to talk endlessly about "the problem of consciousness", as if it were a problem. That we are conscious beings seems to be beyond dispute, but why we are conscious certainly is not.
Do realize that the only philosophers who have a problem with consciousness are materialists. The reason they have a problem is that that materialism, as an ideology, is woefully inadequate to explain anything other than that there are things that can be measured and observed. Hence, materialism is always incapable of asking the hard "why is this so?" questions, because it excludes them from consideration. Consciousness is a real problem for them, because their ideology is literally incapable of explaining why it is. Then again, their ideology is incapable of explaining the why of absolutely anything that exists, so this should not be surprising.
I'm not a materialist. I find the ideology to be incredibly stupid. If I were to label myself, it would be a familian informationalist. What does that mean? Let me break it down:
FAMILIAN = from the Latin familia, where we get the word family. It means that I view families as being the utmost in importance in regards to human flourishing.
INFORMATIONALIST = Regarding information. The world is not made up primarily of material, it's primarily made up of information. As a matter of fact, it's made up almost entirely of information. An informationalist is one who believes that the primary building blocks of all reality is information.
So what does a familian informationalist believe regarding consciousness? Consciousness is the filter between everything that is out there in the world, and everything that exists in the inner world.
The outer world is all that information that we take in via the five senses: taste, touch, smell, hearing and seeing.
The inner world is all that information that we store internally, and retrieve via intuition, pattern matching, and various other strategies. The method used most often is just simple pattern matching.
How does this work? We see in the neighbor's yard a nice friendly animal, with four legs, a wagging tail, that makes a barking noise. We literally take that animal's essence into ourselves via the the filter of consciousness. Once the essence is inside, we take and compare the essence of that animal with our storehouse of animal essences (information) until we find a match. Once we find a match, we decide that there is a black labrador retriever in the neighbor's yard.
Here's the problem for materialists: , unlike dogs, the consciousness cannot be seen, felt or measured. You can't take a ruler or scale and figure out how big it is, or how much it weighs. And yet, it's certainly there alright, as it seems most everyone has the attributes of being conscious.
If you are looking for a material cause for consciousness, you are already zooming down the wrong track, as the consciousness is not a material thing: it is spirit, and it exists because we spiritual beings inhabiting a material body. The informational evidence for this is overwhelming, and unremarkable.
Hence consciousness is just an intake and filtering mechanism that takes all the input from the world "out there" and brings it into your "inner world"-- that space that only you have access to, no one else.
How well a person deals with the world, and their place in the world is very much dependent on the development of their consciousness. While everyone has consciousness, the quality of consciousness varies widely between individuals. That is why education is so crucial for human development, as it can be used to shape consciousness it make it far more efficient and effective at living life. If education becomes corrupted, or has corrupted elements in it, then a person's consciousness will suffer as a result.
So consciousness is not just a fixed filter, it's adaptable and changeable to a certain degree. And it is changed and molded by the information it takes in from the outer world. The conscious is capable of learning. Through effective learning, a conscious being can improvise, adapt and overcome a multitude of situations.
The real "problem of consciousness" is not why or how it exists, but rather how to we best train and educate our consciousness to become the best possible version of ourselves.
Yet there are fixed constants ingrained into consciousness that cannot be changed, no matter what. There are core attributes that are immutable, and it's of critical importance to understand what those immutable attributes are, because attempting to change something unchangeable will result in horrific levels of frustration, distress, pain and suffering, all of which are quite unnecessary.
So what are the attributes of consciousness that are immutable? Here are just a few significant ones:
- The need to discern truth from lies.
- The need for companionship.
- The need to maintain the body it inhabits.
- The need for a continuous stream of information.
- The need to classify and filter information.
- The need to prioritize information.
- The need for order and predictability.
- The need to create and destroy.
The education of an individual must take into account those aspects of consciousness that are immutable, and strengthen them rather than cripple or hamper them. Of course individuals will have their own personal set of immutable attributes that exist in addition to those that are common to all, as that's what makes humans such an interesting creation.
- Pseudo Boethius