Sunday, April 2, 2023
Should the states and provinces of nations separate and become politically autonomous? Should counties, cities, and communities do the same? What is the optimal size of a political unit? In this video, we are going to explore why the nation-states that populate the world are too big, and why decentralization – not voting different politicians into power – is the cure to many of the social and political problems that ail us.
This is an outstanding video about the importance of small, autonomous units of government. The founders of the United States of America understood this concept perfectly, and it's the cornerstone of conservatism, as well as the American form of government.
It's also the cornerstone of the Protestant Reformation, though not intentionally. The Protestant Reformation actually reached its ultimate fulfillment in the United States. The reason why Christianity is still a force to be reckoned with in this country, in contrast to Europe where it's almost nonexistent, is the fact that truly orthodox Christians seem to intuitively understand the need and importance of small, autonomous churches.
Sadly, thanks to socialists and communists, the USA and the rest of the west is headed towards a secular, totalitarian future based on lies and propaganda that have no basis in truth. Neo-Marxists are working hard to consolidate power through centralized power centers, much like the old Roman Empire. However, today's authoritarian movement is very much rooted in objective evil, and has none of the charm or brilliance of ancient Rome.
It's interesting to note that the direct inheritor of the Roman Empire is the Catholic Church. And much like the ancient empire, the Catholic Church has also been subject to tremendous scandal, corruption and moral failures of all kinds, hence the origin of the Reformation itself. It seems all large-scale centralized structures, even religious ones, ultimately become corrupt by power and privilege.
By keeping governmental units small and close to the people they govern, wide-spread corruption and moral failure is easily discovered and corrected. This is true for almost any organization, secular or sacred.