Parental Trauma in a World of Gender Insanity | Miriam Grossman MD

THURSDAY, MAY 18, 2023 


Jordan Peterson and Miriam Grossman talk about the lies and manipulation used by the transgender movement and their supporters.  This is a CRITICAL CONVERSATION that EVERYONE needs to hear. 

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson and Miriam Grossman discuss the grief and trauma associated with the Transgender movement, not just for those transitioning, but for the parents and families who now find themselves shunned and alienated if they refuse to affirm their own child's delusion. They also go into detail on the history of the ideology, the monstrosity of Dr. John Money, and his horrendous failed experiment on which he built his doctrines.  

Miriam Grossman MD is a physician, author, and public speaker. Before gender ideology was on anyone’s radar, she warned parents about its dangers in her 2009 book, “You’re Teaching My Child WHAT?” Dr. Grossman has been vocal for many years about the capture of her profession by ideologues, leading to dangerous and experimental treatments on children and betrayal of parents. Dr. Grossman was featured in the Daily Wire’s hit documentary “What Is A Woman?” The author of four books, her work has been translated into eleven languages. After graduating with honors from Bryn Mawr College, Dr. Grossman attended New York University Medical School. She completed an internship in pediatrics at Beth Israel Hospital in New York City, and a residency in psychiatry through Cornell University Medical College, followed by a fellowship in child and adolescent psychiatry. Dr. Grossman is board certified in psychiatry and in the sub-specialty of child and adolescent psychiatry.

Parental Trauma in a World of Gender Insanity | Miriam Grossman MD

Wednesday, April 12, 2023 


This is an amazing MUST WATCH interview between Jordan Peterson and Miriam Grossman.   The subject is the politicization of the the science of psychology, and how it's now an ideological movement devoid of logic, ethics, or science itself. 

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson and Miriam Grossman discuss the grief and trauma associated with the Transgender movement, not just for those transitioning, but for the parents and families who now find themselves shunned and alienated if they refuse to affirm their own child's delusion. They also go into detail on the history of the ideology, the monstrosity of Dr. John Money, and his horrendous failed experiment on which he built his doctrines.  

Miriam Grossman MD is a physician, author, and public speaker. Before gender ideology was on anyone’s radar, she warned parents about its dangers in her 2009 book, “You’re Teaching My Child WHAT?” Dr. Grossman has been vocal for many years about the capture of her profession by ideologues, leading to dangerous and experimental treatments on children and betrayal of parents. Dr. Grossman was featured in the Daily Wire’s hit documentary “What Is A Woman?” The author of four books, her work has been translated into eleven languages. After graduating with honors from Bryn Mawr College, Dr. Grossman attended New York University Medical School. She completed an internship in pediatrics at Beth Israel Hospital in New York City, and a residency in psychiatry through Cornell University Medical College, followed by a fellowship in child and adolescent psychiatry. Dr. Grossman is board certified in psychiatry and in the sub-specialty of child and adolescent psychiatry.

Jordan Peterson Interviews Presidential Candidate Vivek Ramaswamy | EP 341


Jordan Peterson is truly a modern day prophet.  He's been loudly and clearly sounding the alarm concerning the Woke-Marxist culture that is taking over the world.  

Here, he interviews Vivek Ramaswamy, a candidate for president of the USA.  Vivek is also a huge critic of Woke-Marxist culture.  

They discuss ideas and strategies for dealing with Woke-Marxism head-on, and driving it back into the black-hole that it came from. 

Dutch Farmers: Canaries in the Globalist Coal Mine | Michael Yon & Eva Vlaardingerbroek | EP 340


The most depressing thing on earth right now is how the Dutch government is putting their own FARMERS out of business, because their farms cause too much pollution!   You literally can't make this stuff up!   And yet, it's happening.

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, Michael Yon, and Eva Vlaardingerbroek discuss recent events encircling the Dutch farmers protest, how their anti-globalist movement mirrors the Canadian Freedom Convoy, and how their message has resonated across the world despite best efforts to silence their voices. At age 19, Michael Yon completed Green Beret training. His Green Beret experience taught him the art of observing and surviving in the most dangerous environments on earth. Combining his skills as a writer and a photographer, and with the encouragement of fellow veterans, Michael began his correspondent career by traveling to Iraq in December of 2004. That was the first step in his nearly 20-year journey—traveling the globe to report on world events firsthand. He has traveled to more than 80 countries including China, India, Bhutan, and Vietnam studying issues from cannibalism, information warfare, insurgency, protests, migration wars, and more. His most recent journey has taken him from Asia to Europe, America, and Central and South America to study the conditions for global famine.  

Eva Vlaardingerbroek is a Dutch political and cultural commentator and legal philosopher. She has been featured on Fox News, GB News, Tim Pool, 'Achtung, Reichelt' and many other media outlets across the world. She received her masters with honors from Leiden University in 2019 and after getting involved in Dutch politics, she's now made it her mission to be a conservative voice for freedom and justice in the Western world. Her motto in life and eponymously titled substack is 'Resit Much, Obey Little'

The Bible: The Most Influential Book in the History of the World


This is an AMAZING documentary about the history of the bible by Jordan B. Peterson.   This is MUST SEE TV!!!

"Watch "Logos & Literacy" for free for a limited time only. Join Jordan in this feature-length documentary, renowned scholar Dr Jordan B Peterson takes us on a captivating journey through the Museum of the Bible, where we are met with historians, theologians, and philosophers who discuss the powerful impact of the Bible on our lives and our world. From the history of its writing to its influence on modern culture, this eye-opening exploration will leave you with a newfound appreciation for the timeless power of God's word."