Conservatism Rediscovered | Dr. Yoram Hazony

MONDAY, JUNE 19, 2023 


Dr. Yoram Hazony is one of my heroes.   He is a true intellectual.  

Philosopher, scholar and political theorist Dr. Yoram Hazony joins John for a rich and interweaving conversation about conservatism, nationalism, democracy and modern politics. Dr. Hazony, author of several books on these matters, provides a compelling critique of the political right - where it has gone wrong, the great benefits it can convey for society and how it diverges from liberalism. John and Yoram touch on many important topics, including multiculturalism, identity politics, globalism and the question of why nationalism seems surrounded by an unearned air of controversy. John and Yoram touch on many important topics, including multiculturalism, identity politics, globalism and why nationalism seems to be surrounded by an unearned air of controversy. Yoram Hazony is an Israeli philosopher, Bible scholar and political theorist. He is President of the Herzl Institute in Jerusalem and Chairman of the Edmund Burke Foundation. He has written several books, including The Virtue of Nationalism (2018) and his latest, Conservatism: A Rediscovery (2022), both of which have met with popular and critical success  

Educated at Princeton University (B.A. in East Asian Studies), and Rutgers University (Ph.D in Political Theory), Yoram founded and was the first editor of Princeton’s conservative student journal, The Princeton Tory, while still an undergraduate. He lives in Jerusalem with his wife Yael Hazony. They have nine children.

End of the Megafauna with Ross MacPhee



The most amazing and incredible mystery is the megafauna extinction that has been going on for the best 50,000 years or so, especially about 15,000 - 5,000 years ago.   All sorts of amazing animals that once were all vanished: cave bears, dire wolves, woolly mammoths, giant sloths, elephant birds, and lots of other amazing creatures.  

In this video, Ross MacPhee talks about possible reasons for the extinction of the megafauna.   Must see TV! 

Socrates vs. the Sophists on Ethics

Wednesday, April 12, 2023 


The Word on Fire Institute has released an amazing video series about the history of philosophy, featuring philosopher Peter Kreeft.   

In this episode, he explains why Socrates is one of the greatest philosophers who ever lived, and one of the first.   

The Bible: The Most Influential Book in the History of the World


This is an AMAZING documentary about the history of the bible by Jordan B. Peterson.   This is MUST SEE TV!!!

"Watch "Logos & Literacy" for free for a limited time only. Join Jordan in this feature-length documentary, renowned scholar Dr Jordan B Peterson takes us on a captivating journey through the Museum of the Bible, where we are met with historians, theologians, and philosophers who discuss the powerful impact of the Bible on our lives and our world. From the history of its writing to its influence on modern culture, this eye-opening exploration will leave you with a newfound appreciation for the timeless power of God's word."