The Liturgy of the Hours


One of the oldest forms of prayer in all of Christianity is the Liturgy of the Hours.   In the Catholic tradition, it is the second highest form of prayer, the mass is the highest.  The practice actually even pre-dates Christianity, and was actually started by the Jews.   The most famous practitioner of this liturgy are the cloistered monks and nuns around the world.  The Liturgy of the Hours is their major form of worship and activity.   

Word on Fire Ministries is posting some of the prayers from this Liturgy on YouTube during Lent, just a few of the morning prayers. 

For the laity, the Liturgy of the Hours consists of Morning, Afternoon and Evening community prayer, but it's often done individually as well.  If you want to pray along at all three "hours" of the day, you will have to subscribe to the Word on Fire Liturgy of the Hours program, just $7 per month.   

What's neat about the Liturgy of the Hours, is that most of the prayers are taken from the book of Psalms.  The prayers are coordinated via prayer books, so that everyone who is engaged in this liturgy is doing it in unison.    

While this office is Catholic in origin, it can certainly be practiced by anyone, anywhere.  No church required!   

If you have difficulty establishing a regular habit of prayer, something like the Liturgy of the Hours can really help.    



This video is the greatest rock performance OF ALL TIME.   This is STEVIE RAY VAUGHN playing LIVE on a TV show called "Austin City Limits" back in 1989.  The song is SRV's rendition of the Jimi Hendrix classic "Voodoo Child".  This is what a rock & roll guitar god looks and sounds like.  Someday I have to find a way to listen to the entire show.   

From the "Austin City Limits" web site:  

Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble’s two iconic appearances on the ACL stage in 1983 and 1989 rank among the most highly-requested episodes in the program’s archives.

Vaughan made his final ACL appearance on October 10, 1989, less than a year prior to his untimely death, newly sober and at the height of his powers, in a performance for the ages. Delivering back to back highlights from his acclaimed 1989 final album In Step, including “Tightrope,” “Cold Shot” and “Leave My Girl Alone,” Vaughan’s performance is extraordinary, displaying a combination of raw power, deep emotion and technical brilliance with note perfect solos. Augmented by the addition of keyboardist Reese Wynans, Double Trouble and Vaughan sizzle with an exhilarating performance of their 1989 smash “Crossfire,” punctuated by the guitar icon’s scorching runs. “This one goes out to anyone who’s still suffering in any way,” says the all-time great as he launches into the shimmering instrumental “Riviera Paradise,” pushing the guitar to new heights and continuing to explore new boundaries.



My absolute favorite videos on YouTube are those of people's honest testimonies of how they found God.    Lately, some of the biggest names of YouTube have been finding God!   J. P. Sears has 2.8 million followers, and is extremely well known for his political satire.   Well, an interesting thing has happened as he's had to deal with the sh*tstorm of COVID stupidity during the past couple of years: he realized that evil is quite real.   And if evil is real, then perhaps God might be real as well...

My favorite model railroader: Kevin Brown


Kevin Brown only has a little over 1,000 subscribers on YouTube, but he's my favorite model railroader on YouTube.   He's from the Bloomington / Normal area of Illinois, and models in N-scale using the "T-TRAK" module standard.    T-TRAK modules are very small modules, without legs or benchwork, that are designed for easy transport and setup.   Kevin has made his own benchwork for the modules when he operates them at home.   

The reason I like him is his emphasis on midwest railroading in the mid 60's time frame.   He's also a wealth of information on T-TRAK and how to make modules.   

He also operates his model trains like a real railroad, complete with a schedule.   

A lot of the ideas and concepts he uses are things I'm going to incorporate into my own model railroad: The "Superior and Thunder Bay", which will represent the Burlington Northern railroad in northern Minnesota.   

Russians are Sending T-54 tanks to Ukraine!? Are they out of tanks?


Recent videos show trains filed with Russian T-54 and T-55 tanks headed west, from their storage areas in the far east.   

What's remarkable about this, is that Russia still has T-54 and T-55 tanks in storage, ready to roll!   The reason for the name "T-54" is the year that the tank was first made: 1954!   So this is almost a 70 year old design being taken out of storage! 

Are they sending them to Ukraine?   Most likely, yes.  Even though they are old tanks, the 100mm gun in the turret was an excellent design, and can still do a LOT of damage to almost anything other than the most modern of battle tanks.   

They were designed to be very easy to operate and maintain, which makes them perfect for battlefield conditions.  

Remember: at least Russia makes their own tanks, the Ukrainians don't seem to have any tank factories.  So as Ukraine runs out of tanks, they have nothing to replace them with.   

Even a 70 year old tank is better than no tank at all.  



"Pad See Ewe" is one of my favorite noodle dishes, and is fairly easy to make yourself, if you can find the noodles!   Of course fresh rice noodles are the best, if you can find them (or make them), but I use regular dried noodles, which are much easier to find.  

To make it even better, use sauces sourced from Thailand.   

Here's a link to Amazon about the noodles I use for my own Pad See Ewe:

And here's a link to the genuine Thai sauces I use, available as a starter kit!




A small passage, but it has HUGE ramifications: 

Now the angel of the Lord went up from Gilgal to Bochim. And he said, “I brought you up from Egypt and brought you into the land that I swore to give to your fathers. I said, ‘I will never break my covenant with you,  and you shall make no covenant with the inhabitants of this land; you shall break down their altars.’ But you have not obeyed my voice. What is this you have done?  So now I say, I will not drive them out before you, but they shall become thorns in your sides, and their gods shall be a snare to you.”  As soon as the angel of the Lord spoke these words to all the people of Israel, the people lifted up their voices and wept.  And they called the name of that place Bochim. And they sacrificed there to the Lord.

- Judges 2:1-5 ESV

The story here is simple, as it is tragic.  When God brought the Jews out of Egypt, he told them, multiple times, that they were to completely wipe-out all the people that were living in the Promised Land,  but they refused to do this.  Instead, they allowed them to continue living in the land, and even started hanging out with them, and inter-marrying with them.  This was a direct violation of God's command, and God was not happy.  As a result of their compromise, the Jews brought unnecessary pain and suffering upon themselves.  

Amongst today's bible scholars, God is often criticized for his no-compromise policy with the evil inhabitants of the promised land.  He is called, by some, a genocidal maniac, and a monster.  Killing all the people of a given land offends our modern sensibilities.  But God told the Israelites multiple times that these people needed to be killed, because they were evil.  The Israelites were to carry out God's wrath on a people who were anti-God,  but they refused. 

So what can we learn from this passage here in the 21st century?  

What we can learn is this: we must never, ever compromise with those things that will take us from a pure and focused devotion to God.  Once you start compromising with the things of the world, you will end up in a world of hurt.   

As Christians, we know there are a bunch of things in this world that are far less than Christian, even (sadly) other Christians!   Many of these things are obvious: illicit sex, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, pornography, violence, godless political movements, and so on.   But in this world of mass media and high speed internet access, we must always be on guard for all sorts of things that can easily upset our equilibrium.  

It's no fun playing defense constantly.  It's tiresome, boring, frustrating, and it just plain wears you out.  Hence, one needs to adopt the policy that God gave to the Jews: you are to go on the offense.  You are to take no prisoners.   You are to conquer all that is laid out before you, and be victorious.  And God will grant you victory.   

Now that does not mean that you have license to finish the job that the Jews left unfinished, and go kill every ungodly person or wishy-washy woke-a-doke "Christian" you can find.  The rules have changed since the time of Moses and Joshua, though the mission has not. You must confront godlessness where-ever you find it.  And the primary "land" that you have been given to conquer is yourself, your family, and your household.   

The weapons of are warfare are not swords, guns or knives.  Rather the offensive that we are to engage in requires bibles, prayer, spiritual books, wise men and woman, sacred music, good churches, and even more prayer.  Our battlefield is the spiritual realm, and we fight our battles on our knees.  But it's much easier to fight those battles when you empty your life of all distractions from your task.   

Be merciless in getting rid of anyone or anything who is exerting a negative influence in your life.  

Be merciless in getting rid of any TV or radio show that just pushes your buttons and manipulates your emotions.   

Be merciless in getting rid of any books or magazines that don't feed your soul and refresh your mind.  

Be merciless in getting rid of any internet podcast, blog or website that isn't telling you the absolute truth.   

Be merciless in avoiding any company trying to sell you things that openly supports the cultural Marxism of wokism.  

Be merciless in working against any politician or political leader who pushes a cultural Marxist / woke agenda.  

Be merciless in getting rid of any food or beverage that provides empty calories without any healthy benefits.   

Be merciless in getting rid of any music or movies that don't encourage you and lift you up.   

Be merciless in your pursuit of discipline, prayer, spiritual reading, and godly people.   Hold on to such things tightly!

Be merciless in your pursuit of God.  Do not allow anything to get in your way, but pursue Him no matter what.  

And be merciless in raising your voice and condemning the godless sin and violence that has overtaken the earth at this hour.  

When God saw that that Jews were happily compromising with the very people he wanted dead, he brought pain and suffering on them all.   Eventually, God will have had enough of the evil in this world, and he will act.  There's no doubt about it.

Right now you need to choose who's side you want to be on.  There have always and forever been just two sides: that of the world, or that of God.   Choose wisely!   And the consequences of your choice will be felt not only here on earth, but in the life to come, and for all of eternity. 

- Pseudo Boethius