Raymond Cardinal Burke, canon lawyer & former head of the Apostolic Signatura (the Vatican's high court) reacts to the Catholic bishops of Germany voting in favor of blessing same sex union, Pope Francis' comments about revising the discipline of priestly celibacy, and their thoughts on the pontificate of Pope Francis as we commemorate the 10th anniversary of his election. Gerhard Cardinal Müller, former head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith reacts to the Catholic bishops of Germany voting in favor of blessing same sex union, Pope Francis' comments about revising the discipline of priestly celibacy, and their thoughts on the pontificate of Pope Francis as we commemorate the 10th anniversary of his election.MUSIC / CLASSICAL / HOLST
This is an absolutely incredible performance of Holst's "The Planets" by the National Youth Orechestra.
They might be "youths", but they are putting to shame many more experienced orchestras with this rendition. Truly one of the finest I've ever heard.
THIS IS MUST SEE TV!!! Zelensky, the "president" of Ukraine, is going after the Orthodox Christians in his country. He is afraid that the Orthodox Church is overly influenced by their mother church, the Russian Orthodox.
The only problem: almost all Christians in Ukraine are of the Orthodox Church!
Can THE VIRGIN MARY heal us? Most Catholics will say yes, most Protestants will say no.
Father Chad Ripperger explains how Mary can help us heal. This is a surprisingly deep lesson in regards to Mary and the sorrows she had to deal with being the mother of Jesus.
Just another incredibly beautiful song by Julian Lage. This was just released March 16, 2023. Enjoy!
Julian Lage is probably one of the very best guitar players alive right now, regardless of genre.
Don't believe me? Just listen to his cover of Roy Orbinson's hit song "Crying".
You will be amazed.
THIS IS MUST-SEE TV!!! Father Chad Ripperger is the MOST interesting and knowledgable priest in America, by far. Perhaps it's because he's an exorcist by profession, and has a knowledge of the spiritual realm that is second to none.
Here is an incredible video where he explains the basics of spiritual warfare. It's a long video, but really interesting!
Calvin Robinson was a deacon in the Anglican church, but since the Church of England has lost interest in being Christian, Calvin Robinson is looking for a new home.
What a shame. Calvin is one of the brightest young minds in Christianity right now. But even he realizes that the church is corrupt beyond redemption.
So Calvin is going to GAFCON, which stands for Global Anglican Future Conference. These are a collection of Anglicans who feel the same was as Calvin, and are looking for a more orthodox faith.
One of the best homilies I've ever heard from a Catholic Priest. Father David Wilton gives a sermon on spiritual warfare.
Listen to this, and be amazed.
In this video, Patriot Nurse discusses the effect of the Church in retreat in the United States, and what the decay in morality portends for us as a nation, a people and a land. What will befall us when we turn our back upon our Founding?