Father Dan Reehil - Exorcist Priest on Spiritual Warfare and Preparing for The Triumph

2024-03-30 Saturday


Father Dan Reehil sits down with Mark McLean and they have a very honest, and straight forward conversation about spiritual warfare and the end-times.   

As Fr. Reehil correctly points out, the end-times does not mean the end of the world itself, but it certainly means the end of the world as we know it, and that's a good thing.  

As for the church and Christians, the coming end-times will mean intense persecution of Christians, even unto death.  The Catholic church does not believe in a "pre-tribulation rapture", rather they teach that the events in the book of Daniel and Revelation will be used to purify the church as is.   More importantly, they firmly believe that after the events of the antichrist, and his defeat, the world will be a far, far better place than it is now.   

This is a conversation that is well worth listening to.   

- Pseudo Boethius 

I am the Way, the Truth and the Life...

TUESDAY, MAY 9, 2023 


The priests from this tiny little chapel in Auburn, Kentucky have some of the best homilies I've ever heard anywhere.   In this video, Father Tony talks about one of the greatest Christians of the 20th century, Corrie Ten Boom!   

There seems to be something about the Chaplet of Divine Mercy that brings out the best priests and religious. 

This Homily was given by Father Tony Stephens C.P.M of the Fathers of Mercy at the Chapel of Divine Mercy in Auburn, KY. on May 7, 2023 at the 10:00AM Mass. Jesus shows us the way to the Father, He teaches us the truth through revelations made in Scripture and in nature, and He gives us a share in His Divine Life in the Sacraments.

What happened to the Mass after Vatican II? —with Fr. Dwight Longenecker

SUNDAY, MAY 7, 2023 


Against all odds, the old-school "Traditional Latin Mass" has made a tiny, but significant comeback in the Catholic Church.   But why would Catholics be drawn to a service that they have no experience with? 

Father Dwight Lonenecker is a fascinating person.   He grew up in a hard-core traditional evangelical Christian family, and then moved on to the Anglican church.   From there, he moved to Catholicism.   He knowledge of tradition, history and Christianity is extraordinary.  

Exorcisms: what Catholics need to know w/ Fr. Chad Ripperger | Chris Stefanick Show

SATURDAY, MAY 6, 2023 


One of the most fascinating aspects of Christianity is spiritual warfare.   And no one has been doing spiritual warfare longer than the Catholic Church, and no one knows the ministry better than Fr. Chad Ripperger.  

Chris Stefanick has has FIVE PART series where he talks all about exorcisms with Fr. Ripperger.   This is an INCREDIBLE interview, and really shows you the theology involved in deliverance.   

Of course Fr. Ripperger is a hard-core, traditionalist Catholic, and for good reason: they have an excellent track record when it comes to dealing with demonic possession, and the "old ways" seem to work the best.   

This is MUST SEE TV regardless of background or interests.   Here are all five episodes in order:

"Our Times" - a series of lectures by Father Chad Ripperger about the state of our world

Wednesday, April 12, 2023 


Father Chad Ripperger is a very conservative and traditional Catholic priest.  He is also an exorcist.   

He delivered an amazing series of lectures on the collapse of Western Civilization that is going on around us, and how we can prepare for it.   We need more people like Fr. Chad Ripperger in this world.  

I do not agree with everything that he teaches, but I agree with a lot of it.   I leave it to you, dear listener, to make of him what you will.  Even though he's really only interested in the Catholic Church, what he says has implications for all of Christianity.   

Our Times Part I: Our Lady’s View of Our Times

Our Times Part II: Natural Preparation

Our Times Part III: Spiritual Preparation

Our Times Part IV: Q & A

Voices in Virtue Lectures: Fr. Chad Ripperger — Demonology Function & Psychology



THIS IS MUST-SEE TV!!!  Father Chad Ripperger is the MOST interesting and knowledgable priest in America, by far.   Perhaps it's because he's an exorcist by profession, and has a knowledge of the spiritual realm that is second to none.   

Here is an incredible video where he explains the basics of spiritual warfare.   It's a long video, but really interesting!