"Our Times" - a series of lectures by Father Chad Ripperger about the state of our world

Wednesday, April 12, 2023 


Father Chad Ripperger is a very conservative and traditional Catholic priest.  He is also an exorcist.   

He delivered an amazing series of lectures on the collapse of Western Civilization that is going on around us, and how we can prepare for it.   We need more people like Fr. Chad Ripperger in this world.  

I do not agree with everything that he teaches, but I agree with a lot of it.   I leave it to you, dear listener, to make of him what you will.  Even though he's really only interested in the Catholic Church, what he says has implications for all of Christianity.   

Our Times Part I: Our Lady’s View of Our Times

Our Times Part II: Natural Preparation

Our Times Part III: Spiritual Preparation

Our Times Part IV: Q & A


Saturday, April 8, 2023 


"Priest who 'died' during heart attack claims he went to Hell and saw demons singing Rihanna's Umbrella and Bobby McFerrin's Don't Worry Be Happy to torture people: 'I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy'

  • Gerald Johnson said demonic renditions of Rihanna's hit song 'Umbrella' and Bobby McFerrin's 'Don't Worry Be Happy' were used to torture him in Hell.
  • The Michigan pastor experienced his brush with Satan in 2016 when he briefly died after suffering a heart attack.
  • Johnson said his musical encounter in Hell is proof that popular music is the Devil's attempt to control people on Earth.

Read the full article here: Priest who 'died' during heart attack claims he went to Hell 

President Trump will ‘lead America back to God,’ according to 1983 prophecy

Wednesday, April 5, 2023 


This is a very interesting video!  A very pious Catholic American living in Italy makes a very simple, one sentence prophecy: he thought that God was going to use Donald Trump to bring America back to God!   And he said this back in the early 1980's, long before anyone thought Donald Trump would run for president.   

Given the amazing circumstances going on in America right now, I post this video for your consideration. 

What if we told you that there was someone who prophesied in the early 1980s that Donald Trump would bring America back to God? 

Tom Zimmer was a World War II veteran who moved to Loreto, Italy to live a life of prayer and sacrifice. In 1983, he told Dr. Claude Curran that 'right now, in the United States, there’s a man who has the hand of God on him...and God is going to use him in the future...his name is Donald Trump.'

Do this and Life will fall into place - Purpose /w Fr Josiah Trenham

Tuesday, April 4, 2023 


This is an absolutely outstanding conversation between two orthodox Christians: Paul Robson interviews Fr Josiah Trenham.   They discuss what is the true purpose of man, and how to achieve it.  

What makes this conversation so interesting is how Fr Josiah speaks with such incredible bluntness about Christianity and living a life of faith.  It is incredibly rare to find a man of this level of wisdom!   

I don't want to say very much about this conversation in my description, because it's such a joy to listen to.   So listen to it!   I give this video my highest recommendation.   You will be greatly blessed listening to it.  


Sunday, April 2, 2023 


Is taking care of the poor an important part of our salvation?  Charles J. Chaput argues that it is.  

From the book "Strangers in a Strange Land" by Charles J. Chaput:

In our own time we tend to distinguish between spiritual and material poverty.  But in the Bible, these concepts are tightly linked!  The rich have wealth, but they become overly proud and ignore or oppress others.  They use their money to buy influence and exploit the needy.  They forget their dependence on God.  The poor man, by contrast, is always reminded of his dependence.  He will be humble and trust in the Lord.  

We see this clearly in Jesus' parable of Lazarus and the rich man.  The rich man had elegant clothes and ate sumptuously.  But he ignored Lazarus, who sat right at this gate, covered in sores that the dogs licked.  Every time he entered or left his house the rich man would pass Lazarus, yet he did nothing to ease his needs.  When the rich man died, he ended up in Hades.  Now he suffered, while Lazarus sat in the bosom of Abraham.  

The story underscores a simple fact: If we don't love the poor, we will go to hell.  If we let our possessions blind us to our dependence on God, we will go to hell.   If we let food and clothes and all the other distractions of modern life keep us from seeing the needs of our neighbors, we will go to hell.  

We might assume that Scripture condemns the wealthy.  But that's not the case.  As the early Church Fathers noted, the Lazarus parable is really a tale of two rich men: an unnamed callous one, and the patriarch Abraham.  Abraham was a rich man who never forgot his dependence on God.  Whereas the wealthy sinner let Lazarus wallow in squalor, Abraham welcome the three strangers with rich food.  Abraham was generous and shared his abundance, always remembering that everything he owned was a gift from God.  The lesson is obvious: Possession is really about service.  When it's not, we become slaves to our goods instead of living in a culture of interior freedom."

Strangers in a Strange Land
by Charles J. Chaput
published by St. Martin's Griffin
ISBN: 978-1-250-15962-5 (trade paperback)
pg 170-171


Saturday, April 1, 2023 


My favorite living poet, Josiah Cullen, just posted this on his Facebook page.   I'm copying it in full and posting it here for your enjoyment.  

It seems he and his mother got into a car accident!  They are OK, but Josiah felt the need to write a quick essay in his poetic style to share with us what he learned. 

Please realize that Josiah is a non-verbal autistic teenage boy.   He can only communicate by typing out his thoughts.  

Honestly, I was afraid for prepping this. But, look, I feel I owe it to our Lord, for Mom and I were in an openly strong car accident two days ago.

Lips strangely praised as we opened our worry up to the Lord—and we were okay! I powerfully was really primed to fire off our trials out there. Pity—I ripped it up! So I directly lifted it up to my God.

Voices of pressure prepare us for proof that strength is treated with positive wisdom. Do I stay in the car that wrecked or do I go in another car? I wanted to stay in the protection of the car that I felt right at home riding in. Proof I HAD to go was a lot of police officers!

Police officers do it for safety for everyone.

Driving is progress for me, for I like riding in our car, listening to educational documentaries. Hire ideal steering out on roads in the softness of the woods, and I just love it! Going out is so fun for us.

Returning home was loudly tiresome for me after the accident. Timid and pressed, I felt so dire in my worry. So I listened to safety words from my dad and mom, but I replayed the strong impact in my memory. Really I was so worried until I started settling that I was okay and I saw my mom was okay after she came back from the doctor with only an arm splint.

Trials do always hurry us to the truth if we will allow it. Jesus directed ideal truth to slow down my worry. He turned worry directly to a weapon of strength. That is to say it is worry sorted out into the double trust in God for His righteous fighting for us.

Life is props of things like doors and proud cars and fire engines and the lights of life-preserving vehicles. Spirit is doors too. And transportation and life-protection. Frown if you will when a present worry tries your spirit. Help is right there when you ask for it to come!

Listening to the reality of our policemen directing me to go to the other car, I was so powerfully determined that I would stay with the car that I knew.

Worry is trust in a wrecked car.

Did it offer safety? It did for seconds only to be stripped from me if it was going to be towed away. I pouted. I listened, yet I fought it. 

Little option but to do the only thing. Get in the other car!

Lit up, I tried to hold off. I tried to go outside the circle of police. Did I positively originate stupidity if I stalled? Sure I did. It was dangerous!

Life is producing words of peace to me through this though. Lord Jesus is lighting up His peace. It is honored if we order it to our God’s ready justice.

For sort of days I did worry as it led up to this accident. Fried out, I just felt so sifted. Going for a drive is always strength to my soul. Joy is in this pocket of grace.

How is this all put in to lots of life’s worries? Distant ideas tell me that we worry about slaying dragons out there when actually we are worried about the powerful fires of worry itself!

So now I fight as a returned soldier of a war that has already been won in my Lord’s name. Worry was defined and defeated by Jesus. 

It is the peace that is offered in the other “car.” You are wise to get into that other car of peace whenever things go wrong.



His original post can be found here: Facebook: Joshiah's Fire

How We Became Gafcon – Dr. Peter Jensen


The LGBT false religion is infecting everything on this planet: politics, corporations, universities, entertainment, media, high-tech, and, most recently, the Christian church.   

Denominations all across the planet are being split in two thanks to LGBT.   The Church of England, also known as the Anglicans, has decided to fully accept the LGBT religion in place of Christianity.   However, the worldwide Anglican communion is not exactly in agreement with this, and so they have started their own denomination: the Global Anglican Future Conference, or GAFCON.

This is a short video about how it all started.