Ashenden-Scripted: 'Witch-hunts' become saints-hunts' - SNP politics & the new v the old religion.


Dr. G. Ashenden is one of the VERY FEW Christian leaders who constantly and forcefully speaks out against the false religion of wokism.  In this video, Ashenden points out what many of us are noticing: the witches are now out hunting down the saints.   

Back in the good old days, Christians went on "witch hunts" to purge their community of those who practiced the dark arts.   But in this day and age, we now have witches going on "saint hunts" to purge their community of those who pursue holiness.  

The LGBT / Woke / Progressive religion will not tolerate the existence of Christianity, as it's mere existence is de-facto condemnation of their life style.  Hence, orthodox Christians must be eliminated from the public square.  The only "Christians" that are allowed in public discourse are those "Christians" who echo the woke agenda.   

Voices in Virtue Lectures: Fr. Chad Ripperger — Demonology Function & Psychology


THIS IS MUST-SEE TV!!!  Father Chad Ripperger is the MOST interesting and knowledgable priest in America, by far.   Perhaps it's because he's an exorcist by profession, and has a knowledge of the spiritual realm that is second to none.   

Here is an incredible video where he explains the basics of spiritual warfare.   It's a long video, but really interesting!  

Calvin Robinson: 'The Church of England is a lost cause, so joining GAFCON'


Calvin Robinson was a deacon in the Anglican church, but since the Church of England has lost interest in being Christian, Calvin Robinson is looking for a new home.  

What a shame.  Calvin is one of the brightest young minds in Christianity right now.   But even he realizes that the church is corrupt beyond redemption.   

So Calvin is going to GAFCON, which stands for Global Anglican Future Conference.  These are a collection of Anglicans who feel the same was as Calvin, and are looking for a more orthodox faith.