When I saw God in a dream


This is an essay that you need to copy to your own computer, or just print it out.  Marianne Widmalm had a dream where she saw God holding the Book of Life.  And he was ANGRY.   

It's a short dream, but very powerful.  She's not the only one having dreams like this, YouTube is FILLED with people having dreams of the End-Times.   But for some odd reason, I think Marianne's short dream might be very important for many of us.   

"This blog article is different from all my previous ones. I am going to be personal and share one of my spiritual experiences. Sharing this is risky because I am giving you a chance to scorn something that, for me, is sacred. Yet, people already slander our Creator and ridicule that He even exists, no one is safe from mockery. Someone told me recently that I need to let God protect what I saw, instead of trying to do it myself, so I decided to take that good advice and write this for my blog.

"Before I do I want to address the belief that seeing God (outside of heaven) is impossible because He told Moses that no one can see Him and live (Ex 33:20). Yet, Moses spoke to him “face to face, just as a man speaks to his friend” (Ex. 33:11). While the idea of God being too holy to see goes further back in time (Gn. 32:30) the Hebrew Scriptures have plenty of people who saw God. Isaiah, Micaiah, Daniel, and Hagar to name just a few. This is a larger subject for another blog. I can only tell you what I saw in my dream.

"This is my greatest encounter with God, only comparable to when I came to believe and experienced the Holy Spirit for the first time. The message in the dream was not just for me personally but for the world."

Read the full dream here: When I saw God in a dream

The Epidemic That Dare Not Speak Its Name | Stephen J Shaw | EP 338


The era of the childless woman.   Never, ever seen before in history like we are seeing it now.   

In Japan, where Stephen J. Shaw now lives, more people die every year than are born.   Japan is literally going extinct. 

"Dr. Jordan B Peterson and Stephen J Shaw discuss the Birthgap, a term recently coined by Shaw– and the subject of his new documentary by the same name. In this interview, they examine the long building but invisible causes of what may be the most pressing issue facing the western world in the next few decades. Worst case scenario: total societal collapse due to a lack of new children being born, and a rise in senior citizens living longer. Stephen is a British national who has studied and lived on three continents. He trained as a computer engineer and data scientist before starting his first film project, “Birthgap,” at age 49. He is president and co-founder of the data analytics company, Autometrics Analytics LLC.  

"Stephen holds an MBA graduate business degree from ISG in Paris, France, and is continuing his studies at Harvard Extension School."

The Bible: The Most Influential Book in the History of the World


This is an AMAZING documentary about the history of the bible by Jordan B. Peterson.   This is MUST SEE TV!!!

"Watch "Logos & Literacy" for free for a limited time only. Join Jordan in this feature-length documentary, renowned scholar Dr Jordan B Peterson takes us on a captivating journey through the Museum of the Bible, where we are met with historians, theologians, and philosophers who discuss the powerful impact of the Bible on our lives and our world. From the history of its writing to its influence on modern culture, this eye-opening exploration will leave you with a newfound appreciation for the timeless power of God's word."

How Christianity Remade the World: Tom Holland Interview - The Becket Cook Show Ep. 112


Tom Holland is one of the most interesting historians alive right now.   He points out something incredibly obvious, but also difficult to realize.  After 2000 years of history, almost EVERYTHING in the west is tainted by Christianity.    Absolutely everything.  

If you've never listened to Tom Holland before, this is a great introduction to the man and his book.